Category Archives: Old

Things from a long time ago.

Join the Free Software Foundation today!

GNU Project If you haven’t already, now is a great opportunity to join the Free Software Foundation as an associate member – $60 for students/$120 for non-students.

  • Do you use GNU/Linux?
  • Do you support user freedom?
  • Help fund our fight against DRM!
  • Help fund our fight against software patents!

We really need your support, and if you can help us at all, please join today.
And if you’re already a member, you can also give a membership as a gift.

Your rights under this Agreement will automatically terminate without notice from Amazon if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement.

Your rights under this Agreement will automatically terminate without notice from Amazon if you fail to comply with any term of this Agreement. In case of such termination, you must cease all use of the Software and Amazon may immediately revoke your access to the Service or to Digital Content without notice to you and without refund of any fees.

Quiet around here..

Sorry, it’s been a while since I posted last. So, what’s new?

  • I’ve left myExperiment – I wish them all the best for the future.
  • In leaving myExperiment, I’ve also resigned my position at the University of Manchester. My last day is the 30th of November.
  • I have a new job – Campaigns Manager at the Free Software Foundation – this won’t be a surprise to a lot of people, including some people who already think I work at the FSF.

You can support my work at the FSF by becoming an associate member today, or by donating money.


Amazing the things you find on Wikipedia.

Heterochromia (also known as a heterochromia iridis or heterochromia iridium) is an eye condition in which one iris is a different color from the other (complete heterochromia), or where part of one iris is a different color from the remainder (partial heterochromia or sectoral heterochromia). It is a result of the relative excess or lack of pigment within an iris or part of an iris, which may be genetically inherited or due to mosaicism, or acquired by disease or injury.

I have this.

Lost technology – Veronica, the Gopher Search Engine

Just found this – a Gopher search engine. The Gopher protocol itself contains a built in search mechanism.
Here’s how it works:-

I’ve bolded the item type character, which is usually one of the following:

  • 0 = plain text file
  • 1 = directory listing
  • 2 = CSO search query
  • 3 = error message
  • 4 = BinHex encoded text file
  • 5 = binary archive file
  • 6 = UUEncoded text file
  • 7 = search engine query
  • 8 = telnet session pointer
  • 9 = binary file
  • g = GIF image file
  • h = html file
  • i = informational message
  • I = image file
  • s = audio file

So, at least for me, in Firefox, when I visit the search engine, I get prompted for my query before I even see the site. This puts even Google’s ubersimple homepage into a whole new light.

Stylishly stylish.

So, I’ve started using Stylish, a plugin for Firefox that lets you redefine the style of websites. I started playing around with it and then began looking for some blogs to read.
A frequent visit for me, is Jono’s blog – but all that stuff around the sites, I don’t read. Also, Jono tends to post LONG posts, and I like to read them, but his fonts are uncomfortably small for me.
So here we go.
[sourcecode language=’css’]@namespace url(;
@-moz-document domain(“”) {
color: blue !important;
text-decoration: underline !important;
color: red !important;
color: purple !important;
background: none !important;
font-size: 100% !important;
width: 95% !important;
background-color: white !important;
#side2, #side, #subnav, #navmenu, .feedback,
.meta, #footer, .credit, iframe{
display: none !important;
background: none !important;
height: 1em !important;
width: 100% !important;
padding-top: 1em !important;
background: none !important;
border-top: 3px solid #1a1a1a !important;
background-color: #eee !important;
margin: 1em !important;
padding: 1em !important;
padding-left: 2em !important;
So, there we go. The only problem I can see is that it removes any Google ads you may have normally seen on Jono’s blog. You should buy him a pint or two when you next see him to make up for this ๐Ÿ™‚