MySQL for Windows

MySQL for Windows and ODBC. MySQL ODBC Drivers MySQL ODBC Drivers
MySQL ODBC drivers allow you to connect to MySQL running on your Virtual Private Server from your PC and import/export databases.
$plan: This could be very handy. For the uninformed, mySQL is basically SQL-Server, minus a little of the speed but it’s free. Totally free. Let that sink in for a sec…

The Evolution of Darwin

The Evolution of Darwin

At the heart of Mac OS X one finds Darwin, an open source core that integrates a diverse collection of powerful technologies in a robust, flexible architecture. Darwin is like Linux with a day job: By day, it stays discreetly in the background, running Mac OS X. By night, Darwin shows its open source roots: hackable, extensible, and the product of the same community, culture, and traditions that created Apache, sendmail, GNU/Linux, Mozilla, and UNIX itself.

Users are happy, but engineers also get to have their fun.

That’s what it’s all about really, isn’t it?